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renzo martens // episode 3 (2008)

i guess this work by renzo martens is just too hard to explain. It's a 88 min. video work with film footage taken in the democratic republic of kongo. let me give it a try!

the core message of the work is that poverty in africa is being produced by western civilization. poverty in africa is being used as an economic resource by which western countries make more money of. in one scene a worker of the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) confirms to martens, that 70 to 80 % of the money donated to africa flows back indirectly to the country from where the money came from. while poor poeple stay poor, the richer get richer..

so this is what the artist calls on people of africa to do: please enjoy poverty!

for the artist, this brutal statement is based on the disillusionary fact, that the situation in africa is not about to be changed in near future.

It's a harsh statement by the artist, and definitely he does not offer a solution or alternative to the problematic situation in africa. it seems that renzo martens is rubbing salt into the wound.

however, here's what i like about the work: it's RADICAL and damn REALISTIC!! and it's a pointed criticism towards western countries and globalization.

whatch a trailer and an excerpt of "episode 3" found on youtube:

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